
Saturday 15 August 2015


The community has been asking for a Gravity Falls Takeover for a while now and I have to agree it's an amazing idea. Club Penguin parties recently have been lacking recently with the exception of the Puffle Party 2015 which was great. So, what might a Gravity Falls Takeover consist of?

Mystery Shack 
The mystery shack is a huge aspect to Gravity Falls. What's great about Cp is that we already kinda have a Mystery Shack -- the Puffle Lodge! We could convert this into the Mystery Shack during the party. Downstairs we would have the Mystery Shack Shop with some wacky attractions and upstairs we would have Dipper & Mables room which has pieces of evidence scattered around. Not only that, there could be secret rooms hidden in the Mystery Shack, leading to rooms such as the Portal room!

Other Room Transformations

Other rooms around the island could include the Pizza Parlour becoming Lazy Susan's Diner. There could also be the Police Station and the Puffle Berry Mall could become the Convenience Store shown in an episode. The possibilities are endless!! The forest may even have Gideon's Tent and the cove could be the boat section from The Legend of the Gobblewonker"


Like in Gravity Falls, every 2 days when we open Cp, Dipper's Journal will have a new quest for us. This might be conquering the gnomes (based in Hidden Lake), battling the Gobblewonker, climbing into the secret bunker based at the Dock. The Quests could be based on Gravity Falls episodes OR about discovering the mysteries of Club Penguin.

The point is, this party has so much potential -- from quests, to conspiracies, to mysteries, to rooms.

To keep people happy, if Cp does not have a Gravity Falls Takeover, there could be a Detective Party where penguins come together to answer the unanswered questions surrounding the island...

What do you think? Let me know in the comments. If you like this idea, why not email Cp and let them know about a Gravity Falls Takeover // Detective Party.

Sunday 19 April 2015


With the Puffle Party, the brand new Puffle Wild rooms were released, and the Puffle Wild room became permanent. The rooms are based in a forest and I think it would be cool if a scouts hut was based here. 

The scouts could be a new feature to CP similar to the Tour Guide and EPF features. Firstly, penguins must complete a course to become a scout, perhaps a scavenger hunt on the island? Then once they gain their membership to the scouts, they can earn badges which would replace stamps. These badges are rewarded by completing tasks like building a camp fire, roasting marshmallows, building a boat, going on a hike, catching a fish etc.

Embedded image permalink
Made by @Nilo_Kinh

I think it would be great to have stamps reinvented as badges. What’s more, perhaps Sasquatch could become the Scouts Leader since he is based in the Wilds and doesn’t have a full purpose at the moment. CP could even have a Camping Party to promote the new addition where the island is transformed, similar to the last camping party. At the party, penguins could go orienteering, rafting, collect wood, go on a hike, go rock climbing etc. to help earn badges. Some badges could even encourage team work.

I did email this idea to Club Penguin, here is their reply :

File:PuffleGuideBadgepin.PNGAs you can see, it seems that CP are going with the idea that the Ski Puffle Lodge is like a Scouts Hut already with the Puffle Guides. However, I do think that the Puffle Guides will become a wasted edition since the Puffle Party ended. There is just a tiny stand in the Puffle Lodge and when you waddle over, there is nothing to do. CP should make the Puffle Guides more interactive -- like by introducing Badges (Stamps replacement).

What do you think? Do you think expanding on the Puffle Guides is a good idea? Would you like to see badges become a thing? Let me know in the comments.

Sunday 22 February 2015

SoundStudio Party 2015 [Reviewed]

Hey guys! In order to promote the upcoming SoundStudio app, Club Penguin released the SoundStudio party to give us an insight of what to expect. I'm going to break down this review into different paragraphs before reaching a conclusion. Here we go.

Visuals a while now, Club Penguin does not always decorate rooms but instead transforms them into unique rooms which look very spectacular. In this party, the Snow Forts were transformed into a big music making plaza where you can enter the Snowball Records building and the Play For Cadence room. I personally loved the visuals in all 3 rooms as CP went on to decorate each stage for either building to correspond with the specified genre which was spectacular. Another interesting visual was the Backstage room which could be accessed from taking the passage in the Snow Forts or by clicking the Star Door once inside Snowball Records. I was delighted to see a new Backstage room, which has been missing from the Music Jam in 2014, BUT for some odd reason, the Backstage room replaced the Stadium on the map which was strange. Besides the Snow Forts, the Town and Plaza were also decorated like how they were from the Hollywood Party. I thought this was fine because I loved the Hollywood Party and CP also included the decorations for the Coffee Shop, the Awards Show (Stage) and the Limo. Everyone loved the Limo so it was great to see a return. I am happy that the Coffee Shop was decorated because we have been missing interior decorations from recent parties. CP could have also added the Pizza Parlour design from the Hollywood Party 2013 too. 


In this party, we were able to play a music making sort of game where we clicked the corresponding shapes from the timeline above. This was pretty easy and I think it would be harder if the game was set out like Simon Swipe where a pattern is played and we have to remember that pattern. However, we also got Play For Cadence which was just the same as Snowball Records but a different setting and longer music. This seemed very repetitive especially as CP said this section would be CP's Got Talent so I was very disappointed to find out we had been mislead from the Club Penguin Times. Other than that, there wasn't much else to do. A free background, available by clicking a camera in the Backstage room, would have been a nice addition.


There was no storyline as the main purpose of the party was to promote the SoundStudio app.

Replay Value

Like Riyita said, there is not enough content to last 2 weeks. What I found myself doing was playing the same patterns in Snowball Records and Play For Cadence because that's all you can do. I also found myself making my own songs using the shapes.


Since this was a music-themed party, you would have expected great music from the rooms and the music was amazing. I loved the sounds and the audio team never disappoints. I loved the dubstep pattern from the minigame and I found myself often listening to the music which was interesting since I usually mute the music and play my own music from YouTube when I log onto CP.

What Was Missing (Which Was Promised) the second party in a row, we had NO mascots. The SoundStudio party should have had at least 1 mascot walking around since there are 5 MUSIC THEMED MASCOTS -- Cadence and the Penguin Band. Since this is likely the only music party this year, the Penguin Band only appear rarely so we would of expected them to walk around. The Club Penguin Times promised mascots including the Penguin Band and Cadence but they are no where to be seen. If you're not going to include mascots walking around, at least have them perform. Cadence had her own room, but she was useless. Another thing that was promised from the Club Penguin Times was CP Radio but I didn't see any kind of CP Radio? This should have been a feature available after making the music in week 1 of the party and then hearing it on the radio station in week 2. CP's Got Talent was also promised but this was no where to be seen, instead we got Play For Cadence where Cadence gives us no speech and just sits there. Where was the different talents we could do? Speaking of this, Cadence promised special guests but instead we got random items which would be next to Cadence. I expected Cadence and her special guests to give us a rating /10 depending on how well we performed, but nope.

What Should Have Been There I said in the previous paragraph, this will probably be the ONLY music party this year. Therefore, I would have liked Cadence to have her own stage to perform since she does have a new song out to promote the party. Maybe the performance stage could have been in the Dock? Something else which was missing was each music genre to have it's own room. Although we had individual rooms for each genre but technically it was the same, perhaps a Dubstep themed room at the Forest and a Dance themed room at the Beach? Sometimes the simplest decorations can make a difference, you don't always have to transform a room. Another weird feature was the sky. The sky was night time in the decorated rooms which I appreciated but if you go the Dock or Forest, the night sky transitions into a daytime sky, the whole island should of had a night sky which usually happens when the sky theme is changed. The Awards Show was disappointing because during the Hollywood Party, we actually received awards and you could act out speech and everything but this year we had none of that. We should have had music themed awards to tie in with the Grammys since it is awards season. This feature would have added to the content and replay value.

Conclusion :
  • Amazing visuals
  • Repetive content
  • No mascots
  • Missing content
  • Misleading features
  • App promotion
  • No storyline
  • Great music
I hope you enjoyed this rather long review, but what do you think? Overall I would give this party a 5/10

Alex's review will come later in the month.

Thursday 22 January 2015

Star Wars Rebel Takeover :: Party Review

Ready to get your Jedi on? The Star Wars Rebels Takeover marked the first party of the year for the island. What was I impressed by? What was I disappointed by?

Similar to most parties in 2014, most of the rooms at the Star Wars Rebels Takeover were decorated only on the outside. While several of the rooms had fantastic designs, I wish there was more to the party, as far as decorations. Another thing is the sky, on the map it shows a purple space-y sky, while the decorated rooms follow the purple theme, undecorated rooms fail to contain the small feature.

Helpful Hint:
Many users do not know about the secret party room for the occasion. If you click the purple sky above the mountains you can access the space room from the Future Party 2014.

The daily tasks for this party were a HUGE improvement from 2014. Today's task were challenging and time-consuming, unlike most of the daily quests from the parties last year. I do enjoy the way Club Penguin now uses tasks, rather than boxes to obtain items from parties

This party featured the return of the lightsaber duels from the previous Star Wars Takeover in 2013. I really like how the team took the feature to the next step by adding two light sabers and dual-sided sabers. However, I do think that it is unfair that only players that were hear for the previous party can duel at the moment.

I think this party was an okay start to 2015, I do prefer the Prehistoric Party, but it is nice to see a change for the year. I do enjoy the way the team improved the daily quests, although I do wish they could decorate the whole island, not just exteriors. 

Next Month: The party makes me excited for next month's party: Hollywood Musical. I love how the team is creating a twist on the Hollywood Party from 2013! I can't wait to see what's in store!

Thursday 1 January 2015


Hey guys! I'm Alex1941 Club Penguin Reviewed's newest author! I will be review the monthly parties. Today is January 1st, so I thought I could review all the parties from 2014. Let's begin!

Prehistoric Party: I love how this party expanded the storyline given the previous year. I loved the excitement leading up to the party with the mysterious message, and the appearance of the Time Trekker. I love how the party in a way showed us an island that had elements of present-day. Glad they brought back the transformations and the dino-dig igloos were a great way to allow the party to “come into their igloos”. The new dino puffles were a great treat at the time as well! Not much to complain about, possibly my favorite party of the year. Score: 10/10

The Fair: From this party the biggest thing I remember is struggling to obtain enough tickets to buy all the exclusive items. I am a big clothing guru and buy everything from the catalog, but with the high prices I was a tad disappointed in Club Penguin. While The Daily Spin was a great new way to obtain items, it was nearly impossible to obtain pins, like Trainman said. Don’t get me wrong I did love the party and all the interactive features (boat rides, ferris wheel, roller coaster etc..), but I feel like Club Penguin had too high expectations for the players. Score: 7/10

Muppets World Tour: I will admit that I was a tad disappointment among hearing that “Muppets” was going to the center of a future party. I really enjoyed all the room designs and how they showed that cultural sense from around the world. Kermit the Frog was almost impossible to find, and as a result I never obtained his background. I was truly disappointed with the Muppets Theater, since there was such a huge lead-up to it. Score: 8/10

Puffle Party: The rooms for this party were such fun! Similar to the Prehistoric Party, I loved the excitement leading up to the Puffle Gala. Once the Gala was released, I was slightly disappointed, because in my opinion it was just a big fashion show. I was expecting something along the lines of the award show from the Hollywood Party 2013. My favorite room was the forest, and I was hoping with all my flippers crossed that they would keep this amazing room! The cove’s watersides were great fun too. Overall a very fun party. Score: 9/10

Future Party: When I first heard about this party I was SO excited! Think about all the potential of a Future Party! Man, was a disappointed. I wasn’t really a fan of this EPF party type storyline, I prefer something along the lines of Operation Puffle. The items were super ugly, and the fact that it was a follow-up of the Puffle Party was even a greater disappointment. I did enjoy the create your own robot feature, but the idea of fighting in space didn’t really strike me as fun. In my opinion, the destroyed rooms looked awful. Score: 4/10

Penguin Cup: First, let me say that it was obvious that the Sharks were going to win and I believe the other teams were at a disadvantage. The blue team already had a HUGE fan base, consisting of for the most part, all of the island. I appreciated famous players joining smaller teams such as the Fluffies. Anyways, most of the free items were pointless, such as all of the vuvuzelas. I liked how by earning points you got better and earned more in a sense “power-ups”. The CPSN was a great way for penguins to act as broadcasters! I really enjoy these types of parties, because they’re very different from others. However, I do wish more rooms were decorated. Score: 8/10

Music Jam: I will admit I was super excited for this party. The lead-up for the event was a huge, a cruise on Club Penguin? Wow was I excited whenever I heard the news of that. Let’s start with the positives, SoundStudio was a great new mini game to replace DJ3k. Violetta shouldn’t have been in this party, I understand that they want to appeal to other cultures, but if they do Spanish, they have to do Russian, Portuguese, French, etc. The music cruise was beautiful, but I hated the music-esque details. We all know that the rooms were a MAJOR disappointment considering they only decorated one room and that room was from another party. Definitely the worst party of 2014, maybe EVER. Score: 1/10

Frozen Party: Another party in which the team listened to the players, great job Club Penguin team! I really liked the storyline of this party and how they turned it into a summer bash, but ALL of the party was spoiled with leaks leading to little to no surprise when the party did arrive. Club Penguin, please secure your designs more to preserve that surprise players get whenever they logon on the first day of the party. Like Trainman said, the snowflake scavenger hunt was far too easy and a glitch arose in which I lost my snowman puffle after the party had concluded. While, the freezing feature was a cool addition it was overused causing a sort of lag in rooms. Another thing is, I didn’t like how the “Let it Go” song was instrumental, although I understand sometime it can be hard to get copyright rights for the song. Score: 5/10

School & Skate Party: I liked how this party capture that Coins for Change theme of giving back. I LOVE the mall so much, and I was in awe whenever I first logged on and saw it. The scavenger hunt was somewhat of an improvement from the Frozen Party, but still wasn’t as good as the previous years’s easter egg hunts. In my opinion, the skatepark was cool at first, but after a week became boring and pointless. This party really felt like a summer bash on the island. I applaud the team for creating amazing room designs, but this party truly lacked quantity. Score: 6/10

Halloween Party: I really like the idea of using the hotel as a certain of paranormal happenings, but I wish they created at least a few new room designs. The hotel was awesome, but this party didn’t have the same “wow” factor as it’s predecessors. The ghost puffles were a cool new addition, but I would’ve liked to see the return of the transformations. Another way to capture that feeling from previous Halloween Parties is by re-introducing the annual Halloween Igloo Contest. Like I said there wasn’t much to review here since there wasn’t too much that was really “amazing”. Score: 7/10

Pirate Party: I don’t like how this party reused the Star Wars party’s way of dueling. I like the idea of Rockhopper’s ship destroying and I look forward to seeing the new ship design, although I do wish construction began during the party. The room designs reminded me of previous Adventure Parties. Again, this party lacked quantity, but was amazing on quality. I wasn’t really a fan of a lot of the items, but I did enjoy the octopus legs and the grey sword (sorry I forgot what these items are called!). Score: 7/10

Merry Walrus: The idea for this party was great; a stray from the typical Holiday Parties the island hosts annually, but I felt like this party was one of the greatest disappointments of the year. Whenever it was revealed that the party consisted of “crazy traditions” I expected something equally fun, cute and weird. While this party tried to create a new event for the island it failed to meet the standards of previous Holiday Parties. I did enjoy the Merry Walrus mascot, as he acted as a sort of Santa Claus for the island. I was so happy that the mall came back! It was a great way to alternate a room used before, something the team should do for future parties. I felt like this party lacked in not only quantity, but quality alike. Score: 3/10

What was your favorite party in 2014? What about your least favorite party in 2014? Let me know in the comment section.

Monday 29 December 2014


It's fair to say that the Stage is loosing popularity dramatically. Even Polo Field confirmed this after announcing that no new plays would be released. I remember looking forward to new plays being released so I could venture into a new story and bring it to life. I loved the Secrets Of The Bamboo Forest when it was first released because you had to find a pin that was hidden on the island to unlock the secrets. Another favourite play of mine was Norman Swarm Has Been Transformed because there was a whole secret room that you could discover!

Anyway, Club Penguin has decided that for a large amount of parties this year that they would use the Stage as a party room which was shown in the Muppets World Tour when it became a theatre, the Puffle Party where it became the Puffle Gala, CPSN during the Penguin Cup and later the Puffle Berry Mall.

File:Wlconme to the CPSN.pngFile:Puffle Berry Mal ext.png 

So, why is the Stage becoming less popular?
- I think a large reason is that no new plays are produced which makes the Stage feel repetitive, not only that, some of the most popular plays like the two I said above, are rarely shown (both plays last appeared in 2011). Another feature which I loved about the Stage was the Penguin Play Awards but that doesn't happen anymore.

So, how could Club Penguin improve the Stage?
- Perhaps the party rooms for the Stage were actually tests, to see which room would be best to replace it. This could be true as the mall made 2 appearances after it was popular during the School And Skate party. But, I think CP should stay true to the theme of Stage and modernise it. The plays are becoming repetitive and boring so why not reinvent the Stage as the Cinema

The Cinema would allow players to sit back and watch a short film, similar to how the Night Of The Living Sled is produced. Perhaps the new We Wish You A Merry Walrus special could be released as well. Each time a new film is released to the Cinema, a red carpet event will take place in the plaza which would make the experience more exciting! The Cinema could be simply 1 room for 1 film at a time or there could be 2 rooms, the other being a refreshments room where there would be a confectionery counter, seating arrangements, film posters and more!

What do you think of this idea? Let me know in the comments.

Saturday 13 December 2014


This year has been the year of puffles. We had dino puffles, ghost puffles, olaf puffles, crystal puffles, cat puffles, dog puffle and wild puffles. But with puffles becoming a bigger feature to Club Penguin than ever before, would it make sense to expand the pet shop because we can't fit everything in one little room... 
If you take a look at the currently pet shop above, it seems VERY overcrowded. We have 3 doors, 2 games, 2 puffle activities etc. Something which I don't like about the current pet shop is the massive Puffle Hotel Door, it looks out of place and is unnecessary. But the main thing I don't like about the Pet Shop is that it is no longer a Pet Shop like the name suggests but a Puffle Shop. you look at the old Pet Shop, it feels more like a Pet Shop because there are areas for birds, fish. The newer Pet Shop design has none of that. I think Puffles have run their course now and it's time that we bring a new Pet for Club Penguin! This would help bring back what the Pet Shop is all about and the discovery of the new pet would be very interesting for players, just like the introductions for Sasquatch

In order for this happen, the Pet Shop would need a second floor because the first floor is so overrun with puffles and it's very overcrowded. So what would go on each floor?
  • 1st floor : Puffle Adoption section, entrance to the Puffle Park, displays of other pets besides puffles like fish etc.
  • 2nd floor : Puffle related games (Puffle Launch, Pufflescape) and more!
The second floor would allow could allow more attention for an additional pet as well as the additional puffle species which are unknown to newer players like Dino Puffles. The removal of the Puffle Hotel door would make the lower floor feel less crowded as well as the removal of all the puffle games on the lower floor.

In conclusion, the Pet Shop needs to redesigned to bring back what it's all about -- being a Pet Shop rather than a Puffle Shop because we already have the Puffle Hotel which seems like enough. The Pet Shop could be renovated to have 2 floors which would allow the rooms to feel less crowded and additional space for the future if new adoptable pets are introduced or to display unknown puffle species to newer players.