
Thursday, 13 November 2014


Since CP updated the igloo editing system back in 2012, the update gave us both positive and negative improvements. Let's take a look at these pros and cons :

Positives :
  • Non members recieve 6 items to decorate their igloo with.
  • Igloo Locations introduced.
  • The ability to edit up to 3 igloos as a member.
  • Once you are become a non member, a fourth slot opens up to edit in so that you don't lose the igloo creations you made as a member
  • Igloo likes
Negatives :
  • It is harder to find an item
  • The new system causes more lag than the previous system. 
French Town igloo by Harry Cp

I loved the new update. Igloo making became more popular because there was competition for likes, penguins felt a sense of achievement after advertising their igloo. I also liked how we could edit JUST on igloo locations because this enabled us to make the most creative igloos ever because there were no space issues like when editing in an actual 'igloo'. Igloo locations also helped add to the theme of our igloo eg. a beach. I also loved that we could now edit in 3 igloos which meant that if you made an igloo that you simply loved and did not want to delete - you could still edit more igloos in the other 2 slots available.

However, we want to make the igloo editing system enjoyable and the new system made it really hard to find items. Unlike before where items were displayed on a grid, the items were now displayed in a single row which we had to scroll through so if you could minutes to find a certain item if you as much furniture as me. You might even miss it which would make igloo making tiring! I have also experienced more lag with this system than with the previous system.

So, how should CP improve the igloo editing system?

- Finding items is a real struggle right now. The current scrolling system takes a while for item icons to load and it takes a while to find certain items. When you have bought as many items as me, it is harder to find items and some penguins find this extremely annoying meaning that igloo making interest will decrease. The bar at the top of the igloo editing system also hides a large area of the igloo, making it harder to decorate the walls when editing on a igloo location. What we need is a system where we use a grid to display our inventory items (like in the old style) but instead of clicking on an item and it is placed in our igloo for us (the old style), we can drag it and the grid will disappear whilst dragging so that we can edit on the full igloo/location without anything covering up the space.

This might not be possible, BUT 

- We know that Cp won't get rid of the item limit yet why not raise it slightly! 120 items would be perfect as it would allow us to fill our igloos as well as adding more detail. If not, even 110 items would be fine. So many destined to be amazing igloos are scrapped due to the item limit and with the current limit, we can't show our creativity and explore our imaginations. Cp claims that igloos allow us to show off our creativity but that's not always the case.